Bring Working Genius to Your Organization or Team

Build an


people want to be on

with our Six Types of Working Genius Experiences


Bring Working Genius to Your Organization or Team

The Six Types of Working Genius

You can feel it, but you cannot put your finger on what is off.

This makes visible what's been invisible - where and why your team is not quite clicking.

  • Maximize Joy & Fulfillment
  • Increase Productivity
  • Build Effective Teams
  • Lead Better Meetings
  • Improve Hiring
  • Boost Morale

 You will be amazed how quickly your team will see what has been holding them back and how to implement effective improvements immediately.

We offer both in-person and online experiences.

We also offer this equipping in conjunction with an Escape Room immersive learning experience in WIlliamsburg, VA for a corporate or team retreat (1.5 day, 1-day and half-day versions available).

We're on a mission to eradicate team frustration and Working Genius is a great place to start!

Bring Working Genius to Your Organization or Team

Additional Team Assessments Available

Quickly uncover how to move your team becoming one that inspires each other and other teams through proven assessments.

  • The 6 Types of Working Genius Assessment - 10 Minutes
  • The 5 Voices Assessment - 15 minutes
  • Team Performance Assessment - 15 minutes 
Bring Working Genius to Your Organization or Team

Our Team's Certifications

Meet The Team